As we have often reported in the Seven Isles HOA newsletter, the Seven Isles Board of Directors has long been actively involved in monitoring, and voicing our opinion, pertaining to the Las Olas Mobility Project. Begun in 2017, the City of Ft Lauderdale’s Las Olas Working Group aimed to build consensus on modifying Las Olas Boulevard to thwart traffic concerns while creating a world-class corridor for key Fort Lauderdale areas, including but not limited to the downtown, shops and restaurants, Colee Hammock, the Isles, and the beach areas.

In 2021, City Commissioners elected to prioritize design and construction of the downtown, shops/restaurants, and Colee Hammock areas, while deferring the Isles and beach areas, perhaps due to dissention between City design consultants and the HOAs of the various Isles neighborhoods, most who voiced several concerns related to design recommendations. As a result, the City allocated $7 million for design over the next 3 years, as well as allocating $100,000 for consultants on design, traffic, and landscaping.

The Seven Isles HOA officers and board members participated in many, many meetings held by the City over time pertaining to design proposals, as well as provided communications to City officials when proposed designs could be detrimental to Seven Isles. Through these efforts, we were able to mitigate some early design ideas regarding Las Olas Boulevard and surrounding common grounds that could have negatively affected our community. Through our newsletters and website, the HOA has continuously updated homeowners regarding these actions.

During the most recent budget meetings held by City Commissioners, discussion was held regarding the possibility of assessing property owners in all the Isles neighborhoods to help fund project cost allocation, including all homes in Seven Isles. In response, the Seven Isles HOA sent a letter to the City of Ft Lauderdale Commissioners expressing our opposition to paying any proposed assessment to support future design changes to Las Olas Boulevard that have been proposed by the Las Olas Mobility Project. The letter from our Board of Directors is reprinted below. In addition, HOA President Kirsten Uebrig and Las Olas Mobility Project Review Committee Chair Fred Brodsky met on two occasions with Ben Rogers, Director of Transportation and Mobility for the City of Fort Lauderdale, to ensure open dialogue between Seven Isles and the City continues.

The HOA Board will continue to follow actions by the City related to the Las Olas Mobility Project. All residents wishing to be involved in this effort are encouraged to join the Seven Isles HOA (Sign up at ) and become involved with our Board of Directors. Let your voice be heard!

Click here to read letter.