Welcome to the Seven Isles Homeowners Association
The Seven Isles Homeowners Association, Inc. is a non-profit corporation whose sole purpose is to promote the security of the Seven Isles Community.
Voluntary contributions of $350.00 per quarter pays for around the clock security, Fort Lauderdale police patrol, up keep of the security guardhouse, patrol vehicle, and general improvements to the Seven Isles community. The number of hours of active duty security varies with the number of residents who contribute each quarter.
Our security officers patrol the streets at various times of the day and night while not manning the guardhouse. This method has proven to deter as well as detect criminal activity. State of the art video surveillance cameras located at the singular entrance/exit of Seven Isles record all vehicular and pedestrian traffic entering the community. Although our security guards are not a substitute for the police (who should be called first in an emergency or to report crimes), their mere presence will send criminals elsewhere, making the Seven Isles community – historically speaking – the safest community in Fort Lauderdale!
Are you a new resident of the Seven Isles community? We certainly hope that you will join our association so that we can maintain the safety, property values and our general quality of life. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us, and welcome to Seven Isles!

President’s Message February 2025
Welcome February! Traditionally, growing up in the Northeast, we all looked forward to what was to come from the groundhog’s weather prediction. Would it be more winter or an early spring? Considering the lovely cooler winter that we’ve been given, I don’t mind a bit more on the cooler side to balance out our hot and humid summers! A chance to put on a sweater is refreshing.
As my message goes to print, we are on the heels of our Annual HOA Meeting on February 4, 2025 at 7pm at All Saints Episcopal Church. This year we are introducing some residents who have expressed an interest in serving on our Board (hooray!!!) and I commend those folks for understanding that serving our community interests is very important. We are a voluntary HOA, and anyone who decides to take the time out of their personal life to support our neighborhood has their heart and mind in the right place. If there are any residents who are interested in joining, please reach out to our general mailbox by February 3rd, if you have not already done so. We do need time to prepare the ballots.
I am also pleased to inform our residents that our guest speaker this year will be Suzee Bailey from Residents 4 Resilience. Suzee is a local Fort Lauderdale resident, and an advocate for safe, clean drinking water, flood mitigation and water restoration. Considering that most of our homes here in Seven Isles are waterfront, I thought all of our residents, as private owners and stewards of our waterfront, can assist in finding solutions and help in remediation of our waters. Considering the recent devastating environmental disaster of the Los Angeles area wildfires, it’s not a matter of if but when, so it’s essential that we learn ways that we can help assist in keeping our waterways as healthy as possible.
I look forward to meeting you all at our Annual Meeting.
Warmest Regards,
Robyn Lefcourt
President, Seven Isles HOA

A message from our Mayor
I hope that everyone’s holidays are off to a great start and that you find time to cherish the spirit of the season and gather with family and friends. Wherever I go in our city, I see the sense of joy, celebration and togetherness.
Allow me to share some end-of-the-year updates on issues of importance to our community.
First, the newly elected City Commission has toughened Fort Lauderdale’s stance regarding commuter rail service and the New River crossing. At our Dec. 17 meeting, we went on record that construction of a tunnel is the only option acceptable to the city.
This contrasts with the city’s last official position set a year ago that said we preferred a tunnel but would accept a high-rise train bridge if Broward County commissioners chose to build that instead. The county is currently advocating the construction of not just a 48-foot-high bridge for passenger service, but new water-level bridges for freight service.
I firmly believe the decision on the New River crossing is of fundamental importance for the future of our downtown.
The area is undergoing a renaissance with new housing, offices and amenities, maturing into one of the most vibrant and active downtowns in the country. A bridge would not only jeopardize this transformation by slicing through the city center, but it could destroy our maritime economy by making upriver boatyards all but inaccessible.
Read entire newsletter here
Are you going out of town?
Want additional security on your property? One of the benefits of being an active member of the HOA is getting additional security monitoring on your property while you are out of town. Please click on the button below to complete our “Watch Order” form and we will advise Sig9 Global Security accordingly. Not a member? Please join us and become a member today.
Charity Corner
California Fire Disaster Relief
Wildfires in the Los Angeles area have burned tens of thousands of acres, damaged or destroyed thousands of structures and forced people to evacuate across the region. Hundreds of evacuees are waking up in emergency, many of whom are struggling after losing everything. The Red Cross is working closely with it’s partners to provide safe shelter, food, emotional support and other critical services to those in need.
In shelters, disaster health volunteers are caring for minor injuries and replacing things like eyeglasses and medications while mental health volunteers are providing comfort to those affected. In addition, the organization is mobilizing hundreds more disaster workers to support the wildfire victims and moving truckloads of supplies like cots, blankets and water to be ready to support thousands of people in emergency shelters if needed. Below are several links where you can help our fellow citizens suffering from this devastating event!
Thank you for supporting us!
Ready for Girl Scout Cookies?
Lilly Gonzalez is a straight “A” almost 17-year-old 11th grader who attends Fort Lauderdale High School in the Cambridge Program. She was a top cookie seller for Broward County last year. This is her 10th year in Girl Scouts and she is an Ambassador in Troop 10302 with 12 other girls. She is in pursuit of her Gold Award. The Troop is saving up cookie money for a big trip early this summer. Lilly will have ALL flavors, including Thin Mints, Samoa’s, the very popular S’mores and Adventurefuls cookie! (SEE MENU BELOW). Boxes range around $6 dollars each. Cash, checks and E-payment are all accepted.
Contact Lilly’s Mom, Lisa at aomsinc@aol.com or 917-287-5731. The sale begins January 30th and runs throughout early March 2025. Free same day delivery over 6 boxes/any cases to the neighborhood.
Thank you for your support!