With more than a dozen years passing since the bridges in Seven Isles were painted, our residents have complained that the otherwise beautiful vistas of our canals were marred by worn-looking bridges with peeling paint and exposed handrails. Through the persistent efforts of the HOA Board of Directors, we were recently able to receive approvals from the City of Fort Lauderdale to pressure clean and repaint all the bridges.

The HOA completed a three-bid process in late 2020 and provided this information to the City. We placed the burden on the painting contractor to comply with all City of Fort Lauderdale environmental requirements to ensure we remained in compliance. We used set-aside dollars of the HOA’s beautification fund which were raised several years ago through volunteer efforts, and we paid the balance of the project through funds held in reserve.

As of February 15, 2021, the cleaning and painting of all six bridges have been completed. Although we were not able to pressure clean the sidewalks associated with the bridges, we have formally submitted a request for the City to complete this pressure cleaning as soon as possible.