HOAThe month of November saw an increased number of thefts among high-end vehicles in Districts 1 and 3 of Fort Lauderdale, which includes the Las Olas Isles neighborhoods, according to Officer Aaron Purdue, Seven Isles’ off-duty Fort Lauderdale Police Officer. A crew of criminals is believed to be targeting newer, high-end vehicles, especially when key fobs are left inside the vehicles. Reportedly, thieves have been specifically looking for vehicles with mirror-folding capability, since unlocked vehicles will have mirrors remaining out.

“This is an open invitation for theft,” stated Officer Perdue. Further, multiple Fort Lauderdale residents are storing their fobs inside their vehicles for convenience, which allows for easy theft of the vehicles. Officer Perdue reminds all residents of Seven Isles to take your fobs with you when exiting your vehicle, and ensure your vehicle is locked with your mirrors folded in.