In all of the summer issues of our digital and print newsletters, the Seven Isles Homeowners Association (HOA) Board of Directors sought input from Seven Isles residents related to membership dues that pay for our security. We spoke of the Board’s recent discussions involving potentially reducing the 24-hour security guards or our off-duty police officer, unless we could raise dues as well as enlighten more residents to step up and contribute their fair share to the HOA. We also asked for ideas to spur membership, since about 25% of our homeowners are currently not contributing to the HOA security fund.

We received a windfall of responses from many of you, and they were overwhelmingly supportive of the HOA’s primary mission to enhance and protect our neighborhood security.

  • Most respondents said that a key reason they chose Seven Isles is due to our excellent track record for security and safety, which should be protected at all costs.
  • A surprising number of respondents supported increasing the security dues which have not increased in 8 years, while many suggested that this approach only be considered in tandem with strategies to get non-paying residents to join.
  • There were some recommendations to update and improve our outreach and communication strategies for non-contributing residents, which the Board immediately implemented. For example, we created new targeted communications for new arrivals as well as for non-paying existing residents. Our officers and our street representatives personally reached out to many homeowners to explain the value of contributing to the security fund.
  • In response to several recommendations to make contributing and non-contributing homeowners more visible, we updated (and removed when necessary) all HOA blue lawn signs, so that all residents can accurately identify those residents who are contributing to the security fund, and those who are not. Additionally, we updated our policies to ensure that newly joining homeowners would not be unfairly burdened with back-fees.
  • We have deployed ongoing newsletter communications to highlight the value of our security guards. We updated the webpage so that all residents can easily identify our guards and learn about their backgrounds. And we implemented monthly updates to remind residents that we live in one of the lowest crime areas in all of Fort Lauderdale. For example, in August, 2020, we had a total of 3 incidents in Seven Isles, while the other Isles had a total of 38 criminal incidences.
    Below are just a few examples of homeowner comments received:
    “…We feel really home on Seven Isles, with all these wonderful people around us , and need to create all together this warm and welcoming feeling to everybody in our neighbourhood. It is a really special and unique place to live with these same thinking people in respect that everyone is different , but we all share our Seven Isles home and need to do the best for our place and the people who live here.” — OT

    “The last thing I want to do is reduce our 24-hour security or pay more while others don’t. Maybe some have valid reasons for not paying, but at least communication could be had, or a digital survey sent to gather info, then address. Let’s call it “The Seven Isles Call of Shame”! –SS

    “Security is of the utmost importance to my wife and I. We love our home, and community we live in but crime is very scary. Should you reduce security in the smallest amount it would give us serious pause….Please do whatever is necessary to maintain if not increase the security in Seven Isles.” — JB

    “It is disappointing to read your cover article in the Seven Isles news. I am a contributor to the HOA every quarter and I am not in favor of option 1 or option 2 [lowering security]. I would be willing to pay more to keep our security and neighborhood safe. Obviously I would much rather see the freeloaders contribute.” – DL

    The Board’s increased and diligent efforts have paid off with some new members joining over the summer, and a sustained membership base that continues to be solid. Nevertheless, our security fund dues have not increased in 8 years. The board realizes that to prudently maintain adequate cash reserves amidst rising costs, we need to increase dues for 2021. Effective January 1, 2021, all residents will see a modest increase of $50 per quarter in the security dues, which equates to an increase of a mere $16.67 per month – the average cost of a pizza delivery. It’s a small price to pay for large piece of mind. We thank you for your support of the security fund and appreciate hearing from so many of you.