HOARecently, the Seven Isles security guards, as well as the president and other members of the HOA Board of Directors have been receiving an increased number of phone calls from residents complaining about noise. Usually, these complaints center around construction noise, especially on weekends. However, common complaints have also included barking dogs, loose dogs and even bicycle riders blocking lanes.
Noise and other related issues are not under the jurisdiction of the Seven Isles HOA or the security guards. We are not the police and we do not enforce city codes. However, the City has noise ordinances in place and do govern adherence to these ordinances. Any complaint or notification should go to the City of Fort Lauderdale code compliance division.
To report noise related concerns during business hours (Monday-Friday, 8am – 4pm), call the city’s compliance division at 954-828-5207.
The city also maintains a 24/7 customer service line at 954-828-8000 as well as a website at that can be accessed by clicking here.
You can also email the division at CEnhancement@fortlaudereale.gov , although be aware that emails can be subject to public records requests.
To report particularly disturbing noise related concerns after business hours, contact the Fort Lauderdale Police Department’s non-emergency line at 954-764-4357.