HOALilly Gonzalez is a straight “A” almost 14 year old year old 8th grader who attends American Heritage School and is starting the pre medical program next year. This is her 8th year in Girl Scouts and she is a Cadette in Troop 10302 with 11 other girls. The girls are saving up cookie money for a big trip early this summer, as the last two years were cancelled due to COVID. She has ALL flavors, including Thin Mints, Samoa’s, the very popular S’mores and the NEW Adventurefuls cookie! (SEE MENU BELOW). Boxes range between $5 and $6 dollars each. Contact Lilly’s Mom, Lisa via the contact form, her email address aomsinc@aol.com or call her at 917-287-5731. Thank you for your support!


Cookies available from February 1st to March 1st