[kuh-myoo-ni-tee] noun,
- A social group of any size whose members reside in a specific locality, a locality inhabited by such a group.
- Seven Isles, The Safest Community In Fort Lauderdale
[mem-ber-ship] noun,
- The state of being a member, as of a community.
- The total number of members belonging to a community: Seven Isles has 308 homes, of which 220 are active members!
- Your continued support is appreciated.
- If you’re not a member, please join us as we work to make Seven Isles an even more special place to live!
[vol-uh n-teer-iz-uh m] noun,
- The policy or practice of volunteering one’s time or talents for charitable, educational, or other worthwhile activities, especially in one’s community.
- The Seven Isles Board, The Halloween Parade Organizing Team, Our Webmaster Team, are all volunteers most of whom have full time jobs. Their time, efforts, and dedication are greatly appreciated.
- We’re always looking for additional volunteers to join the HOA board, as well as the committees we’re setting up: Social & Fun, Beautification, Safety & Security, and Violations.
[si-kyoor-i-tee] noun,
- Freedom from danger, risk, etc.; safety. Something that secures or makes safe.
- Seven Isles is the only community in our area that has 24×7 security services provided by Admiral Security. All made possible through your membership dues that are paid into the Security Fund, which is also used to for the uniformed FLPD Officer assigned to Seven Isles.
- $2.74 per day for a team of dedicated security guards looking over our homes and the community at large.
Holiday Season
[häləˌdā ˈsēzən] noun,
- The period of time from Thanksgiving until New Year, including such festivals as Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa.
- Here’s wishing a wonderful and safe 2018 Holiday Season