Many Seven Islers have bird feeders in their yards and on their patios which beckon cardinals, blue jays and many other beautiful birds to grace our treetops. Some care for large and small beautiful birds as pets. Some of us have squirrel feeders, while others have provided the flowering essentials that attract many different types of butterflies. These feeders allow all of us to enjoy a little oasis of peaceful nature against the bustling backdrop of downtown Fort Lauderdale.
The one critter we don’t want to encourage in Seven Isles is the green iguana. Iguanas are an invasive species in Florida and have become a growing problem in Seven Isles. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) has posted information on their website related to the humane killing of green iguanas.
The FWC website notes that green iguanas (Iguana iguana) are known to cause damage to a home’s infrastructure, including seawalls and sidewalks. Homeowners do not need a permit to kill iguanas on their own property, and the FWC encourages humane killing of these creatures. According to the FWC website, green iguanas are attracted to trees with foliage or flowers, most fruits (except citrus) and almost any vegetable. They can cause damage to infrastructure by digging burrows that erode and collapse sidewalks, foundations, seawalls, berms and canal banks. They often leave droppings on docks, moored boats, seawalls, porches, decks, pool platforms and inside swimming pool, and they can also transmit the infectious bacterium Salmonella to humans through contact with water or surfaces contaminated by their feces. (Source:
FWC suggests that iguanas may be deterred from lounging on your property if you take steps to deter the animal, such as modifying the habitat around your home or humanely harassing the animal. Examples of effective habitat modification and harassment include:
- Removing plants that act as attractants
- Filling in holes to discourage burrowing
- Hanging wind chimes or other items that make intermittent noises
- Hanging CDs that have reflective surfaces
- Spraying the animals with water as a deterrent
More information is available at the FWC’s website at:
Kathleen Moreo
Seven Isles Website Contributor
Kathleen Moreo is a registered nurse and founder of a successful nationwide education and research company that has supported health care professionals in their professional growth for 26 years. She volunteers as Vice President of the Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy Foundation, dedicated to research, education, and philanthropic work for health care professionals across the US. She is also an editorial board member of 2 international, peer-reviewed health care publications. Kathleen has been a resident of Seven Isles since 2018.