24-hour Customer Service Contact Center: 954-828-8000
The City offers a 24-hour, dispatch answered customer service line to assist you in reporting public works related issues. These include deceased animals in roadways, traffic/roadway lights burnt out, flooding in roadways, noise complaints, and other public concern issues.

24-hour non-emergency crime reports or other non-emergency issues: 954-764-HELP
If you are reporting a delayed crime, use the City’s HELP line. If you are reporting an in-progress crime or other emergency, dial 911.

Homeless Outreach Unit Officers for our area:
If you are experiencing or witnessing a problem with a homeless individual, contact one of the officers assigned to the Homeless Outreach Unit
Officer Brian Blount 954-828-5279
Officer Scott Hagemann 954-828-4274

Reporting Code Violations:
The City has increased their coverage for code violation complaints. In addition to daytime hours, code officers are now on duty Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights until 3:00 am to better address common nighttime issues, such as noise complaints from parties or parking complaints. To report a code issue:

Report online at the LauderBuild website: https://aca-prod.accela.com/FTL/Default.aspx
Call the Community Enhancement and Compliance Division: 954-828-5207, Monday – Friday, 8:00 am – 4:00 pm
Call the 24-hour customer service hot line at 954-828-8000
Email: cenhancement@fortlauderdale.gov and include your name and address (may be subject to public disclosure).

Filing a Complaint for Short-Term Vacation Rentals:

Call the Community Enhancement and Compliance Division: 954-828-5207, Monday – Friday, 8:00 am – 4:00 pm
Email: vrindo@fortlauderdale.gov.
Call 911 for support in an emergency. If contacting 911, please request direct contact from the responding officers. Also request that a written report or email detailing the violations found be sent to vrindo@fortlauderdale.gov.