As reported in last month’s newsletter, residents heard from guest speakers from the Fort Lauderdale Code Compliance Division during our Annual Meeting of the Seven Isles Homeowners Association this Spring. One speaker in particular provided information on boats and yachts that was new to most residents. Since that meeting, several residents have recommended that the information be more broadly shared through this newsletter. Code Compliance Officer Manny Garcia answered many questions about boats and yachts docked in our canals. He reminded residents that it is illegal to rent out your dock space as well as to have live-aboards. He answered many questions. Two of those questions/answers follow:
Q. How is the width of a boat calculated and the width of a canal? Based on what data? Is there a physical inspection with an actual measurement made in a “real life” situation?
A. Information of the vessel is obtained referring to the make and model, based on the length and width of the vessel from the manufacturer. In addition, we use records of the property based on site surveys, and a measurement is taken from property line to property line to include but not be limited to docks, sea walls and any other object that is within the 30% rule.
Q. How does one account for space left between a dock and a boat, since a boat is rarely tightly roped against a dock? And are fenders factored, since fenders of yachts can be 2-3 ft wide and placed on both sides?
A. Any object (including fenders) is taken into account regarding the application of the 30% rule.
Officer Garcia has responded to many different complaints related to boats and yachts in our area, and he invites homeowners to contact the City’s call center if they have concerns or questions related to potential code violations, at or 954-828-5207.