Seven Isles HOAWow! What an amazing night with friends and neighbors. First I want to give a special shout out to Adam at American Social on Las Olas. Several months ago I sent out emails to many of the eateries and other businesses in the area inquiring as to if they would like to support our website. Adam not only enthusiastically emailed me back that American Social would love to be a sponsor of our website but also wanted to host our community for a cocktail party. I for one thought American Social had a great vibe and will return in the future.
During the cocktail party all I heard was how nice it was that we as a community got together for a brief moment in time to meet new neighbors and reconnect with ones we have not seen in a while. It was suggested by several people that we should hold social gatherings like this more often say every quarter or so. I think it’s a great idea!
It just so happens that our very own Omar Altaji, street representative for Sea Island Drive, is accepting volunteers for this new position as well as many other volunteer opportunities. Click here to learn more.

Many of you whom I spoke with during the event told me that you would like to be a website/Digital Newsletter contributor. I am hoping that those who expressed an interest will follow through and compose something. How about a movie or book review? What about a family recipe? Maybe you’re involved with a charity or fundraising event in the area. Tell us about it.
I was thrilled to meet so many of our Seven Isles Neighbors but look forward to meeting many more. I have heard that some neighbors had no idea of the American Social event or the website. Please spread the word. This website belongs to all of us here in this beautiful place that we call home.