We benefit from 24-hour security services in Seven Isles because of the work and governance of our Homeowners’ Association (HOA), whose primary duty is to protect and uphold the safety and well being of our Seven Isles community. This is made possible by volunteer board members representing all the streets in Seven Isles as well as up to 5 members-at-large, who work together to oversee our security company, security equipment, guard house, and common areas. Each February at the general membership meeting, HOA members vote for a slate of candidates to lead our HOA into the next year.
Under the leadership of Debbie Fitzgerald, President Pro Tempore, the current board of directors is responsible to identify names of candidates willing to consider serving on the board for 2023. All members attending the annual general membership meeting in February 2023 will then have an opportunity to vote on the candidate slate.
Unfortunately, we haven’t had volunteers step up as in prior years. Without an HOA, we risk losing our 24 hour security services, as well as maintenance of our entrance and other common areas. Volunteering does not take much time at all, and board members are rewarded with friendship and camaraderie. The Board meets only 5 times a year via Zoom for 1 – 1.5 hours, and does not convene over summer months. Any necessary communications between meetings typically occur via email, with a goal to minimize commitment while maximizing efficiency to ensure we stay on top of any concerns and issues affecting our great neighborhood.
Board member candidates must be paid HOA members. There are 8 positions open for street representatives, and each street representative must live on his/her street. There are up to 5 positions for at-large representatives who can live on any street and represent the general community. Please consider becoming a candidate for the 2023 board. Email Debbie Fitzgerald at dfitz811@comcast.net or send an email to our Board of Directors email at hoa.sevenisles@gmail.com if you are interested in supporting the HOA as a board member. We all have a part to play.